Reading OMF project and exporting it to Subsurface: Example 1

This tutorial demonstrates how to read an OMF project file and export it for use with Subsurface.

Import Required Libraries

Import the necessary libraries for reading an OMF file and processing it.

import omfvista
import pandas as pd
import pyvista
from dotenv import dotenv_values
import subsurface
from subsurface import TriSurf, LineSet
from subsurface.modules.visualization import to_pyvista_mesh, to_pyvista_line, init_plotter

Load OMF Project

Load the OMF project using a fixture.

def load_omf():
    config = dotenv_values()
    path = config.get('PATH_TO_MODEL_2')
    omf_project = omfvista.load_project(path)
    return omf_project

omf_project = load_omf()

Visualize OMF Project with PyVista (Optional)

Optionally, visualize the OMF project using PyVista. This step can be skipped or modified as needed.

if False:  # Change to True to enable visualization
    omf_project.plot(multi_colors=True, show_edges=True, notebook=False)

Convert OMF to Unstructured Single Block

Convert the loaded OMF project into an unstructured single block for further analysis.

meshes = []
lines = []

for block_index in range(omf_project.n_blocks):
    block_name = omf_project.get_block_name(block_index)
    polydata_obj: pyvista.PolyData = omf_project[block_name]

    # Skip if the polydata is not a mesh
    if not isinstance(polydata_obj, pyvista.PolyData):

    unstruct_pyvista: pyvista.UnstructuredGrid = polydata_obj.cast_to_unstructured_grid()
    cell_data = {name: unstruct_pyvista.cell_data[name] for name in unstruct_pyvista.cell_data}

    # Process based on cell type
    match polydata_obj.get_cell(0).type:
        case pyvista.CellType.TRIANGLE:
            # Process triangle mesh
            cells_pyvista = unstruct_pyvista.cells.reshape(-1, 4)[:, 1:]
            new_cell_data = {"Formation_Major_": block_index, **cell_data}
            unstruct = subsurface.UnstructuredData.from_array(
            ts = TriSurf(mesh=unstruct)

        case pyvista.CellType.LINE:
            # Process line data
            if "Formation_Major" not in cell_data.keys():
            cells_pyvista = unstruct_pyvista.cells.reshape(-1, 3)[:, 1:]
            unstruct = subsurface.UnstructuredData.from_array(
            line = LineSet(data=unstruct)
            lines.append(to_pyvista_line(line, radius=100, as_tube=True, spline=False))

# Export to desired format here if necessary

Visualize Unstructured Data

Visualize the unstructured data using Subsurface and PyVista.

plotter = init_plotter()

for mesh in meshes:
    plotter.add_mesh(mesh, cmap="magma", opacity=0.7)

for line in lines:
    plotter.add_mesh(line, cmap="viridis", opacity=1)
03 model 2 OMF to subsurface

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.242 seconds)

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