
We welcome and encourage everyone to contribute to vector-geology! Contributions can be questions, bug reports, feature requests, and new code. Here is how to get started.



For questions about vector-geology (e.g., its applications, functionality, and usage), please search the existing issues for related questions. If your question has not already been asked, then make a new issue.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs on the issue page and label the issue as a bug. The template asks essential questions for you to answer so that we can understand, reproduce, and fix the bug. Be verbose! Whenever possible, provide tracebacks and/or error messages, screenshots, and sample code or other files.

Feature Requests

We encourage users to submit ideas for improvements to the vector-geology project. For this please create an issue on the `issue page with the Feature Request template and label. Please make sure to use a descriptive title and to provide ample background information to help us implement that functionality in the future.

Contributing New Code

Any code contributions are welcome, whether fixing a typo or bug, adding new post-processing/plotting functionality, improving core functionality, or anything that you think should be in the repository.

Contributions should address an open issue (either a bug or a feature request). If you have found a new bug or have an idea or a new feature, then please open the issue for discussion and link to that issue in your pull request.

Python Code Guidelines

We aim to follow particular Python coding guidelines to improve the sustainability and positive impact of this community project:

Example function documentation:

def func(arg1: int, arg2: float) -> int:
    """A concise one-line summary of the function.

    Additional information and description of the function, if necessary. This
    can be as long and verbose as you think is necessary for other users and
    developers to understand your functionality.

        arg1 (int): Description of the first argument.
        arg2 (float): Description of the second argument. Please use hanging
            indentation for multi-line argument descriptions.

        (int) Description of the return value(s)
    return 42
  • The code should explain the what and how. Add inline comments to explain the why. If an inline comment seems to be needed, consider first making the code more readable. For all comments, follow PEP 8.

  • Test every line of code. Untested code is dead code.


All contributed code will be licensed under a EUPL-1.2 license. If you did not write the code yourself, it is your responsibility to ensure that the existing license is compatible and included in the contributed files. In general, we discourage contributing third-party code.