
Making a release

  1. Add release notes to CHANGELOG.rst.

  2. Create a release on GitHub, add the above release notes to it.

When you create a release on GitHub it will run the tests, and subsequently deploy the version to PyPI, from where it will also be picked up to conda-forge. If everything works fine it should be available from PyPI within minutes after the tests passed, and within an hour or two from conda-forge.


Important. Due to the use of setuptools_scm, everything is by default added to the wheel on PyPI. Files and folders that should not be in a release have to be excluded by adding it to the

Type of commits

  • ENH: Enhancement, new functionality

  • BUG: Bug fix

  • DOC: Additions/updates to documentation

  • TST: Additions/updates to tests

  • BLD: Updates to the build process/scripts

  • PERF: Performance improvement

  • CLN: Code cleanup