Reading OMF Project Into Python

This tutorial demonstrates how to read an OMF (Open Mining Format) project file in Python, visualize it using PyVista, and convert it to a format suitable for further analysis with Subsurface.

Required Libraries

First, we import the necessary libraries for handling and visualizing OMF files.

import omfvista
import pyvista
import subsurface
from subsurface import TriSurf
from dotenv import dotenv_values

from subsurface.modules.visualization import to_pyvista_mesh, pv_plot
from subsurface.modules.writer import base_structs_to_binary_file

Load OMF Project

Here, we define a function to load an OMF project using a path specified in a .env file.

def load_omf():
    config = dotenv_values()
    path = config.get('PATH_TO_MODEL_2')
    omf_project = omfvista.load_project(path)
    return omf_project

omf_project = load_omf()

Visualize OMF with PyVista

Utilize PyVista for an interactive visualization of the OMF project.

omf_project.plot(multi_colors=True, show_edges=True, notebook=False)
01 read OMF sites

Convert OMF to Unstructured Single Block

Convert the loaded OMF project into an unstructured single block for further processing.

block_name = omf_project.get_block_name(4)
polydata_obj: pyvista.PolyData = omf_project[block_name]
unstruct_pyvista: pyvista.UnstructuredGrid = polydata_obj.cast_to_unstructured_grid()
cells_pyvista = unstruct_pyvista.cells.reshape(-1, 4)[:, 1:]

unstruct: subsurface.UnstructuredData = subsurface.UnstructuredData.from_array(

# Optional: Export to Liquid Earth if required
TO_LIQUID_EARTH = False  # Replace with actual condition
    base_structs_to_binary_file("leapfrog1", unstruct)

Visualize Unstructured Data

Finally, visualize the converted unstructured data using Subsurface and PyVista.

ts = TriSurf(mesh=unstruct)
subsurface_mesh = to_pyvista_mesh(ts)
pv_plot([subsurface_mesh], image_2d=False)
01 read OMF sites
<pyvista.plotting.plotter.Plotter object at 0x7f2ef690bb80>

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 2.693 seconds)

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