Modeling and Propagation of Petrophysical Data for Mining Exploration (2/3)

Cleaning and Filling the Gaps

Barcelona 25/09/24 GEO3BCN Manuel David Soto, Juan Alcalde, Adrià Hernàndez-Pineda, Ramón Carbonel


The dispersion and scarcity of petrophysical data are well-known challenges in the mining sector. These issues are primarily driven by economic factors, but also by geological factors such as sedimentary cover, weathering, erosion, or the depth of targets, geotechnical issues (e.g., slope or borehole stability), and even technical limitations or availability that have been resolved in other industries (for instance, sonic logs were not previously acquired due to a lack of interest in velocity field data).

To address the challenge of sparse and incomplete petrophysical data in the mining sector, we have developed three Jupyter notebooks that tackle these issues through a suite of open-source Python tools. These tools support researchers in the initial exploration, visualization, and integration of data from diverse sources, filling gaps caused by technical limitations and ultimately enabling the complete modeling of missing properties (through standard and more advanced ML-based models). We applied these tools to both recently acquired and legacy petrophysical data of two cores northwest of Collinstown (County Westmeath, Province of Leinster), Ireland, located 26 km west-northwest of the Navan mine. However, these tools are adaptable and applicable to mining data from any location.

After the EDA and integration of the petrophysical dataset of Collinstown (notebook 1/3), this second notebook gathers different tasks that can be grouped into what is called, in data science, data mining. These tasks are:

  • Record the positions of the original NaNs.

  • Record the positions and the values of the anomalies to be deleted.

  • Delete the anomalies.

  • Fill out all NaNs, both original and those resulting from deleting the anomalies, using different means (imputations, empirical formulas, simple ML models).

  • Compare the effectiveness of the different filling gap methods.

  • Use the better option to fill in the gaps and deliver the corrected petrophysical data for further investigation.

As with the previous notebook, these tasks are performed with open-source Python tools that are easily accessible by any researcher through a Python installation connected to the Internet.


The dataset used in this notebook is the ‘features’ dataset from the previous notebook (1/3). It contains the modelable petrophysical features with their respective anomalies. ‘Hole’ (text object) and ‘Len’ (float) variables are for reference, ‘Form’ (text object) is a categorical variable representing the major formations:





Hole name


Top of the sample



Length of the core sample






Compressional velocity



Shear velocity



Magnetic susceptibility


Chargeability or induced polarization






Major formations or zone along the hole


The following are the Python libraries used along this notebook. PSL are Python Standard Libraries, UDL are User Defined Libraries, and PEL are Python External Libraries:


import sys
import warnings

from vector_geology import basic_stat, geo

# PEL- Basic
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tabulate import tabulate

# PEL - Plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

# PEL - Data selection, transformation, preprocessing
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures

# PEL - Imputer
from sklearn.impute import KNNImputer, SimpleImputer
from sklearn.experimental import enable_iterative_imputer
from sklearn.impute import IterativeImputer

# PEL- ML algorithms
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, Lasso, Ridge
from sklearn.svm import SVR
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor, GradientBoostingRegressor
from sklearn import tree
import xgboost as xgb

# PEL - Metrics
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error, r2_score


Seed of random process

seed = 123

# Warning suppression

Data Loading

Features data load

features = pd.read_csv('Output/features.csv', index_col=0)
Hole From Len Den Vp Vs Mag Ip Res Form
0 TC-1319-005 265.77 11.2 2.610 2179.0 NaN 0.108 NaN NaN CALP
1 TC-1319-005 271.66 11.8 4.318 5514.0 2222.0 0.108 26.06 4600.0 CALP
2 TC-1319-005 277.05 10.3 3.399 5754.0 2085.0 0.237 17.52 10200.0 CALP
3 TC-1319-005 282.55 11.2 4.342 5773.0 2011.0 0.151 28.13 5800.0 CALP
4 TC-1319-005 287.20 10.8 3.293 6034.0 2122.0 0.176 6.88 15500.0 CALP

From Len Den Vp Vs Mag Ip Res
count 329.000000 321.000000 327.000000 310.000000 289.000000 326.000000 303.000000 303.000000
mean 543.279696 10.223364 2.761664 5441.990323 2772.937716 0.430543 49.738548 3283.762376
std 262.864370 1.070127 0.293938 700.858075 653.446129 5.192919 25.145208 3714.851096
min 9.600000 7.500000 2.420000 992.000000 0.000000 0.001000 5.390000 156.900000
25% 355.580000 9.700000 2.678500 5196.000000 2294.000000 0.064000 31.555000 1100.000000
50% 547.800000 10.000000 2.706000 5575.000000 3041.000000 0.114500 47.040000 2100.000000
75% 750.000000 10.400000 2.731000 5857.000000 3248.000000 0.205250 67.190000 3850.000000
max 1049.200000 18.000000 5.074000 6478.000000 3740.000000 93.886000 171.730000 23900.000000

Columns in the features dataframe

Index(['Hole', 'From', 'Len', 'Den', 'Vp', 'Vs', 'Mag', 'Ip', 'Res', 'Form'], dtype='object')

Features Cleaning

The plots below show the anomalous values of the four affected variables. Then, along the section, we will register the position of the anomalies and then delete them, according to the findings of the previous notebook (1/3):


Deliting Anomalies


Values above 4 g/cm³ are related to bad measurements in core samples longer than 11.2 cm.


Values below 3000 m/s are related to fractures in the core samples.


Values less than 1000 m/s are also related to core fractures.


The anomaly of 93.9 is above the range of the measuring equipment.


We see no reasons to discard outliers.


We see no reasons to discard outliers.

Bad data areas in Vp, Vs, Mag vs. Den

plt.figure(figsize=(16, 5))

# len vs. Den
plt.scatter(features.Vp, features.Den, alpha=0.65, edgecolors='k', c='skyblue')
plt.axhspan(4, 5.25, color='r', alpha=0.2)
plt.axvspan(500, 3000, color='r', alpha=0.2)
plt.text(1100, 4.7, 'Bad Data Area')
plt.axis([500, 7000, 2, 5.25])
plt.xlabel('Vp (m/s)')
plt.ylabel('Den (g/cm3)')

# Den vs. Vs bad data area
plt.scatter(features.Vs, features.Den, alpha=0.65, edgecolors='k', c='skyblue')
plt.axhspan(4, 5.25, color='r', alpha=0.2)
plt.axvspan(0, 1000, color='r', alpha=0.2)
plt.text(75, 4.7, 'Bad Data Area')
plt.axis([0, 4000, 2, 5.25])
plt.xlabel('Vs (m/s)')
plt.ylabel('Den (g/cm3)')

# Den vs. Vs bad data area
plt.scatter(features.Mag, features.Den, alpha=0.65, edgecolors='k', c='skyblue')
plt.axvspan(20, 100, color='r', alpha=0.2)
plt.axhspan(4, 5.25, color='r', alpha=0.2)
plt.text(2, 4.7, 'Bad Data Area')
plt.axis([-5, 100, 2, 5.25])
plt.xlabel('Magnetic Susceptibility')
plt.ylabel('Den (g/cm3)')

plt.suptitle('Variable with Anomalies in the Keywells')

Variable with Anomalies in the Keywells

NaN and Anomalies Preservation

The folowing dataframes preserves the location of original NaN (1) and anomalies (2):

nan_ano_loc = features.copy()

Fill the datafreme with 1 and 2

for column in features.columns:
    nan_ano_loc[column] = np.where(pd.isna(features[column]), 1, 0)

nan_ano_loc.Den = np.where(features.Den > 4, 2, 0)
nan_ano_loc.Vp = np.where(features.Vp < 3000, 2, 0)
nan_ano_loc.Vs = np.where(features.Vs < 1000, 2, 0)
nan_ano_loc.Mag = np.where(features.Mag > 20, 2, 0)
Hole From Len Den Vp Vs Mag Ip Res Form
0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Hole From Len Den Vp Vs Mag Ip Res Form
count 329.0 329.0 329.000000 329.000000 329.000000 329.000000 329.000000 329.000000 329.000000 329.0
mean 0.0 0.0 0.024316 0.048632 0.030395 0.030395 0.006079 0.079027 0.079027 0.0
std 0.0 0.0 0.154263 0.308527 0.245049 0.245049 0.110264 0.270192 0.270192 0.0
min 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0
25% 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0
50% 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0
75% 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0
max 0.0 0.0 1.000000 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.0

Save the locations of nans and anomalies


Preservation of the anomalies

anomalies = features[features.Den > 4]
anomalies = pd.concat([anomalies, features[features.Vp < 3000]])
anomalies = pd.concat([anomalies, features[features.Vs < 1000]])
anomalies = pd.concat([anomalies, features[features.Mag > 2]])
anomalies = anomalies.drop_duplicates().sort_index()
Hole From Len Den Vp Vs Mag Ip Res Form
0 TC-1319-005 265.77 11.2 2.610 2179.0 NaN 0.108 NaN NaN CALP
1 TC-1319-005 271.66 11.8 4.318 5514.0 2222.0 0.108 26.06 4600.0 CALP
3 TC-1319-005 282.55 11.2 4.342 5773.0 2011.0 0.151 28.13 5800.0 CALP
6 TC-1319-005 301.50 11.6 4.251 5686.0 2755.0 0.132 14.77 6000.0 CALP
7 TC-1319-005 313.65 11.4 4.193 5588.0 2039.0 0.068 20.37 5400.0 CALP
11 TC-1319-005 334.65 11.3 4.079 5678.0 2198.0 0.036 34.51 2000.0 CALP
12 TC-1319-005 340.00 11.9 4.444 5561.0 2581.0 0.024 14.92 4800.0 CALP
13 TC-1319-005 344.77 11.2 4.123 5359.0 NaN 0.041 45.93 1000.0 CALP
24 TC-1319-005 400.10 13.9 5.074 5367.0 2422.0 0.066 NaN NaN CALP
77 TC-1319-005 645.30 11.0 2.725 992.0 NaN 0.308 98.11 293.3 LABL
79 TC-1319-005 653.95 12.0 2.936 2321.0 1929.0 0.342 88.45 443.4 LABL
159 TC-1319-005 1046.35 10.6 2.455 2325.0 NaN 0.158 44.44 1300.0 LIS
174 TC-3660-008 64.54 9.4 2.677 2802.0 0.0 0.038 35.19 2500.0 CALP
198 TC-3660-008 188.03 9.4 2.679 5345.0 0.0 0.098 NaN NaN CALP
243 TC-3660-008 432.95 9.7 2.779 4641.0 178.0 NaN 69.69 515.7 FLT
248 TC-3660-008 452.30 10.4 2.686 5652.0 0.0 0.053 27.54 4000.0 FLT
305 TC-3660-008 734.80 9.5 2.708 5026.0 2914.0 93.886 71.63 1200.0 SP
312 TC-3660-008 774.21 9.6 2.787 6173.0 0.0 0.123 73.08 373.2 SP

Number and % of anomalies by boreholes

print('Total anomalies:', len(anomalies), '({:.1f}%)'.format(100 * len(anomalies) / (features.shape[0] * features.shape[1])))
Total anomalies: 18 (0.5%)

TC-1319-005    12
TC-3660-008     6
Name: count, dtype: int64

Save the anomalies


Rows with anomalies

[0, 1, 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 24, 77, 79, 159, 174, 198, 243, 248, 305, 312]

Anomalies Deletion

features2, new features dataframe without anomalies

features2 = features.copy()

features2['Den'] = np.where(features.Den > 4, np.nan, features.Den)
features2['Vp'] = np.where(features.Vp < 3000, np.nan, features.Vp)
features2['Vs'] = np.where(features.Vs < 1000, np.nan, features.Vs)
features2['Mag'] = np.where(features.Mag > 20, np.nan, features.Mag)

Hole From Len Den Vp Vs Mag Ip Res Form
0 TC-1319-005 265.77 11.2 2.610 NaN NaN 0.108 NaN NaN CALP
1 TC-1319-005 271.66 11.8 NaN 5514.0 2222.0 0.108 26.06 4600.0 CALP
2 TC-1319-005 277.05 10.3 3.399 5754.0 2085.0 0.237 17.52 10200.0 CALP
3 TC-1319-005 282.55 11.2 NaN 5773.0 2011.0 0.151 28.13 5800.0 CALP
4 TC-1319-005 287.20 10.8 3.293 6034.0 2122.0 0.176 6.88 15500.0 CALP

From Len Den Vp Vs Mag Ip Res
count 329.000000 321.000000 319.000000 305.000000 284.000000 325.000000 303.000000 303.000000
mean 543.279696 10.223364 2.721755 5496.386885 2821.130282 0.142988 49.738548 3283.762376
std 262.864370 1.070127 0.145217 556.077848 547.476118 0.100706 25.145208 3714.851096
min 9.600000 7.500000 2.420000 3009.000000 1295.000000 0.001000 5.390000 156.900000
25% 355.580000 9.700000 2.678000 5220.000000 2368.250000 0.064000 31.555000 1100.000000
50% 547.800000 10.000000 2.705000 5581.000000 3041.000000 0.114000 47.040000 2100.000000
75% 750.000000 10.400000 2.726500 5858.000000 3248.000000 0.203000 67.190000 3850.000000
max 1049.200000 18.000000 3.650000 6478.000000 3740.000000 0.545000 171.730000 23900.000000

Boxplot of each feature without anomalies, grid=False, figsize=(12, 7), layout=(3, 4), flierprops={"marker": "."})
plt.suptitle('Features Without Anomalies')
Features Without Anomalies

Save features without anomalies


NaNs in the Features

Original NaNs

Hole     0
From     0
Len      8
Den      2
Vp      19
Vs      40
Mag      3
Ip      26
Res     26
Form     0
dtype: int64

Total original NaNs


% of original NaNs

features.isna().sum() / len(features) * 100
Hole     0.000000
From     0.000000
Len      2.431611
Den      0.607903
Vp       5.775076
Vs      12.158055
Mag      0.911854
Ip       7.902736
Res      7.902736
Form     0.000000
dtype: float64

Total % original and new NaNs

print('% NaN in Features:', round(100 * features.isna().sum().sum() / (features.shape[0] * features.shape[1]), 1))
% NaN in Features: 3.8

Original and new NaNs

Hole     0
From     0
Len      8
Den     10
Vp      24
Vs      45
Mag      4
Ip      26
Res     26
Form     0
dtype: int64

Total original and new NaNs


Total % original and new NaNs

print('% NaN in features2:', round(100 * features2.isna().sum().sum() / (features2.shape[0] * features2.shape[1]), 1))
% NaN in features2: 4.3

% Total original and new NaNs by feature

features2.isna().sum() / len(features) * 100
Hole     0.000000
From     0.000000
Len      2.431611
Den      3.039514
Vp       7.294833
Vs      13.677812
Mag      1.215805
Ip       7.902736
Res      7.902736
Form     0.000000
dtype: float64

Bar plot of NaNs

features2.isna().sum(), 3), color='r', ylabel='Count', title='All Features NaN', label='Without anomalies', legend=True)
features.isna().sum(), 3), color='b', label='With anomalies', legend=True, grid=True)
All Features NaN
<Axes: title={'center': 'All Features NaN'}, ylabel='Count'>

Bar plot of NaNs (%)

(features2.isna().sum() / len(features) * 100), 3), color='r', label='Without anomalies', legend=True)
(features.isna().sum() / len(features) * 100), 3), color='b', label='With anomalies', legend=True,
                                                       title='All Features NaN', ylabel='%', grid=True);
All Features NaN
<Axes: title={'center': 'All Features NaN'}, ylabel='%'>

Total rows at least one with NaN and their indexes

total_nan_index = list(features2[pd.isna(features2).any(axis=1)].index)
print('Total rows with at least one NaN:', len(total_nan_index), '\n', '\n', 'Rows indexes:')
Total rows with at least one NaN: 62

 Rows indexes:

[0, 1, 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 24, 36, 45, 47, 63, 68, 71, 75, 77, 79, 99, 100, 105, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 135, 158, 159, 160, 164, 174, 183, 185, 187, 189, 191, 194, 197, 198, 201, 206, 209, 210, 229, 233, 240, 243, 248, 251, 276, 305, 311, 312, 318, 319, 320, 325]

Filling the holes

Imputations Evaluation

Imputation refers to the alternative process of filling in all the missing values (NaN) or gaps in a dataset. Instead of removing rows or columns with missing values, those values are replaced (imputed) with estimated values based on information available in the entire dataset (in all variables). This is typically done when you want to preserve the other values in the rows where the NaNs are, and when the missing values for each variable or column do not exceed 25%.

Since multiple imputation methods are available, it’s important to evaluate each one and select the method that yields the best results, based on metrics such as the sum of residuals, MAE, MSE, RMSE, and R² (formulas of these metrics in the annex). In this case, we tested six imputation methods:

  • Simple mean (mean)

  • Simple K-Means (knn)

  • Iterative Impute (ii)

  • Normalized mean (nmean)

  • Normalized K-Means (nknn)

  • Normalized Iterative Imputer (nii)

To compare these methods, we first created fictitious gaps in the Vp values (just this variable due to its importance, and for simplicity and speed) of a non-NaN dataset to compare them later the real values of Vp against the imputed. By doing so, we can compute each method’s metrics and determine which performs best. In addition to these metrics, at the end of the section, there is a plot with the resulting values of each imputer method with respect to the real values, showing less dispersion towards the top of the plot.

Non-NaN dataframe to test the imputation

features2_num = features2[['From', 'Den', 'Vp', 'Vs', 'Mag', 'Ip', 'Res']]
features2_num_nonan = features2_num.dropna()
From Den Vp Vs Mag Ip Res
2 277.05 3.399 5754.0 2085.0 0.237 17.52 10200.0
4 287.20 3.293 6034.0 2122.0 0.176 6.88 15500.0
5 296.75 2.782 4661.0 2294.0 0.107 27.81 2100.0
8 318.75 3.386 5815.0 2115.0 0.060 8.53 10700.0
9 325.75 2.616 4785.0 1946.0 0.040 84.90 296.1

Generation of random mask for the fictitious NaNs or gaps

missing_rate = 0.2  # Porcentaje de valores faltantes
Vp_mask = np.random.rand(features2_num_nonan.shape[0]) < missing_rate
array([False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False, False, False, False,  True, False, False,  True,  True,
       False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False, False, False,  True, False, False, False, False, False,
       False, False, False, False, False,  True, False, False, False,
       False, False, False, False, False,  True, False, False, False,
       False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False, False,  True, False, False,  True, False,  True, False,
       False, False,  True, False, False,  True,  True, False, False,
       False, False, False, False, False, False,  True, False, False,
       False, False, False, False, False, False,  True, False, False,
       False, False, False,  True,  True, False, False, False, False,
       False, False, False, False,  True, False, False, False, False,
       False,  True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False, False, False, False, False,  True, False, False, False,
        True, False, False, False, False,  True, False, False, False,
       False, False, False,  True, False, False,  True, False, False,
       False, False,  True, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False,  True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
        True, False, False, False,  True,  True,  True, False, False,
       False,  True, False, False, False, False,  True, False, False,
       False, False, False, False, False,  True, False,  True, False,
       False,  True, False,  True, False, False, False, False,  True,
       False, False,  True, False, False, False, False, False, False,
        True, False, False,  True, False, False, False, False, False,
        True, False, False, False,  True, False,  True, False, False,
       False,  True, False, False, False, False,  True, False, False,
       False,  True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False, False,  True, False, False, False,  True, False, False,
        True, False, False, False, False,  True])

New gaps in Vp of the Non-NaN dataframe

features2_new_missing = features2_num_nonan.copy()
features2_new_missing.loc[Vp_mask, 'Vp'] = np.nan
From Den Vp Vs Mag Ip Res
2 277.05 3.399 5754.0 2085.0 0.237 17.52 10200.0
4 287.20 3.293 6034.0 2122.0 0.176 6.88 15500.0
5 296.75 2.782 4661.0 2294.0 0.107 27.81 2100.0
8 318.75 3.386 5815.0 2115.0 0.060 8.53 10700.0
9 325.75 2.616 4785.0 1946.0 0.040 84.90 296.1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
323 809.47 2.786 5621.0 2334.0 0.105 55.20 706.5
324 814.55 2.763 5680.0 3179.0 0.158 70.94 481.1
326 825.60 2.762 5593.0 1787.0 0.337 78.44 334.6
327 828.80 2.804 5858.0 1964.0 0.311 73.73 466.5
328 833.40 2.735 NaN 3217.0 0.308 33.86 2300.0

267 rows × 7 columns

At index 328 the original Vp is

Hole    TC-3660-008
From          833.4
Len            10.1
Den           2.735
Vp           5805.0
Vs           3217.0
Mag           0.308
Ip            33.86
Res          2300.0
Form            PAL
Name: 328, dtype: object

True Vp values

true_vp = features2_num_nonan[Vp_mask].Vp.reset_index(drop=True)
0    5196.0
1    6159.0
2    6037.0
3    5815.0
4    4930.0
Name: Vp, dtype: float64

Evaluation of the imputers

# List of imputers
imputers = []

# Initialize imputers
mean_imputer = SimpleImputer(strategy='mean')
ii_imputer = IterativeImputer(max_iter=10, random_state=seed)
knn_imputer = KNNImputer(n_neighbors=5)

# Normalization
scaler = StandardScaler()
features2_new_missing_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(features2_new_missing)

# Append of imputer (name, norm, imputer, data)
imputers.append(('mean', 'no', mean_imputer, features2_new_missing))
imputers.append(('ii', 'no', ii_imputer, features2_new_missing))
imputers.append(('knn', 'no', knn_imputer, features2_new_missing))
imputers.append(('nmean', 'yes', mean_imputer, features2_new_missing_scaled))
imputers.append(('nii', 'yes', ii_imputer, features2_new_missing_scaled))
imputers.append(('nknn', 'yes', knn_imputer, features2_new_missing_scaled))

# Results table
headers = ['Imputer', 'Normalization', 'Sum Residual', 'MAE', 'MSE', 'RMSE', 'R2']
rows = []

# Loop over the imputers
for name, norm, imputer, data in imputers:
    # Impute the data
    imputed_data = imputer.fit_transform(data)

    # Reverse the normalization if data was normalized
    if norm == 'yes':
        imputed_data = scaler.inverse_transform(imputed_data)

    # Convert the array to dataframe
    imputed_data_df = pd.DataFrame(imputed_data, columns=features2_new_missing.columns)
    imputed_vp = imputed_data_df.loc[Vp_mask, 'Vp'].reset_index(drop=True)

    # Calculate residuals and metrics
    residual = sum(true_vp - imputed_vp)
    mae = mean_absolute_error(true_vp, imputed_vp)
    mse = mean_squared_error(true_vp, imputed_vp)
    rmse = np.sqrt(mse)
    r2 = r2_score(true_vp, imputed_vp)

    # Create a dataframe for imputer using globals()
    globals()[f'imputer_{name}'] = imputed_data_df.copy()

    # Append results
    rows.append([name, norm, residual, mae, mse, rmse, r2])

# Print the results in a formatted table

print('Seed:', seed)

print(tabulate(rows, headers=headers, tablefmt="fancy_outline"))
Seed: 123
│ Imputer   │ Normalization   │   Sum Residual │     MAE │    MSE │    RMSE │          R2 │
│ mean      │ no              │        1779.8  │ 394.903 │ 256363 │ 506.323 │ -0.00517294 │
│ ii        │ no              │       -1106.23 │ 308.72  │ 163029 │ 403.768 │  0.360781   │
│ knn       │ no              │        -490.6  │ 310.118 │ 168360 │ 410.317 │  0.339878   │
│ nmean     │ yes             │        1779.8  │ 394.903 │ 256363 │ 506.323 │ -0.00517294 │
│ nii       │ yes             │        -646.02 │ 296.29  │ 160690 │ 400.862 │  0.36995    │
│ nknn      │ yes             │        -924.4  │ 298.808 │ 166131 │ 407.592 │  0.348616   │
From Den Vp Vs Mag Ip Res
0 277.05 3.399 5754.0 2085.0 0.237 17.52 10200.0
1 287.20 3.293 6034.0 2122.0 0.176 6.88 15500.0
2 296.75 2.782 4661.0 2294.0 0.107 27.81 2100.0
3 318.75 3.386 5815.0 2115.0 0.060 8.53 10700.0
4 325.75 2.616 4785.0 1946.0 0.040 84.90 296.1

Plot of the real Vp vs. the imputed Vp

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
plt.scatter(true_vp, true_vp, color='k', label='True Values')
plt.scatter(true_vp, imputer_mean[Vp_mask].Vp, label='Mean (mean)')
plt.scatter(true_vp, imputer_nmean[Vp_mask].Vp, label='Normalized Mean (nmean)')
plt.scatter(true_vp, imputer_ii[Vp_mask].Vp, label='Iterative (ii)')
plt.scatter(true_vp, imputer_nii[Vp_mask].Vp, label='Normalized (nii)')
plt.scatter(true_vp, imputer_knn[Vp_mask].Vp, label='K-Mean Neighbor (knn)')
plt.scatter(true_vp, imputer_nknn[Vp_mask].Vp, label='Normalized K-Mean Neighbor (nknn)')
plt.xlabel('True Vp (m/s)')
plt.ylabel('Imputed Vp (m/s)')
plt.title('Real Vp vs. Imputed Vp')
plt.axis([4000, 6750, 4000, 6750])
Real Vp vs. Imputed Vp
Best Imputation

By a closer examination of the metrics, we can conclude that the normalized Iterative Imputer (nii), also called MICE (Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations), performs the best (or least poorly), particularly for the Vp variable, with the mean of the imputed values increasing just 1.2 % with respect to the mean of the real values. Consequently, we used the nii imputer to fill the gaps across all variables and saved the updated dataset in a new dataframe (features3).

The multiplot of this section shows that the imputation process maintains the shape of the boxplot of the variables from which the anomalies have been removed. In other words, this multiplot of the imputed dataset (features3) is almost identical to the multiplot of features2 in section 7.2.

Normalized interactive imputation of features2

# Data normalization
scaler = StandardScaler()
features2_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(features2_num)

# Imputation of normalized data
nii_features3_array = ii_imputer.fit_transform(features2_scaled)

# Reverse normalization and new imputed dataframe
features3 = pd.DataFrame(scaler.inverse_transform(nii_features3_array), columns=features2_num.columns)

From Den Vp Vs Mag Ip Res
0 265.77 2.610000 5725.879959 3073.767206 0.108 36.995337 5489.392555
1 271.66 2.786624 5514.000000 2222.000000 0.108 26.060000 4600.000000
2 277.05 3.399000 5754.000000 2085.000000 0.237 17.520000 10200.000000
3 282.55 2.800579 5773.000000 2011.000000 0.151 28.130000 5800.000000
4 287.20 3.293000 6034.000000 2122.000000 0.176 6.880000 15500.000000

From Den Vp Vs Mag Ip Res
count 329.000000 329.000000 329.000000 329.000000 329.000000 329.000000 329.000000
mean 543.279696 2.723043 5501.096555 2808.728436 0.142841 48.950658 3401.316252
std 262.864370 0.143224 538.939658 517.989081 0.100134 24.374350 3623.480943
min 9.600000 2.420000 3009.000000 1295.000000 0.001000 5.390000 156.900000
25% 355.580000 2.679000 5266.000000 2448.000000 0.064000 31.808800 1200.000000
50% 547.800000 2.707000 5587.000000 2994.000000 0.115000 46.200000 2300.000000
75% 750.000000 2.731000 5849.000000 3231.000000 0.201000 65.470000 4200.000000
max 1049.200000 3.650000 6478.000000 3740.000000 0.545000 171.730000 23900.000000

Boxplot of each imputed feature, grid=False, figsize=(12, 7), layout=(3, 4), flierprops={"marker": "."})
plt.suptitle('Imputed Features')
Imputed Features

Copy reference variable to features3

features3[['Hole', 'Len', 'Form']] = features2[['Hole', 'Len', 'Form']]

Order of the variables

features3_series = list(features2.columns)
['Hole', 'From', 'Len', 'Den', 'Vp', 'Vs', 'Mag', 'Ip', 'Res', 'Form']

Reordering features3

features3 = features3[features3_series]
Hole From Len Den Vp Vs Mag Ip Res Form
0 TC-1319-005 265.77 11.2 2.610000 5725.879959 3073.767206 0.108 36.995337 5489.392555 CALP
1 TC-1319-005 271.66 11.8 2.786624 5514.000000 2222.000000 0.108 26.060000 4600.000000 CALP
2 TC-1319-005 277.05 10.3 3.399000 5754.000000 2085.000000 0.237 17.520000 10200.000000 CALP
3 TC-1319-005 282.55 11.2 2.800579 5773.000000 2011.000000 0.151 28.130000 5800.000000 CALP
4 TC-1319-005 287.20 10.8 3.293000 6034.000000 2122.000000 0.176 6.880000 15500.000000 CALP

Save features3


Indixes of Vp values in features2

1      5514.0
2      5754.0
3      5773.0
4      6034.0
5      4661.0
323    5621.0
324    5680.0
326    5593.0
327    5858.0
328    5805.0
Name: Vp, Length: 305, dtype: float64

Indixes of Vp NaNs in features2

0     NaN
15    NaN
36    NaN
77    NaN
79    NaN
111   NaN
118   NaN
159   NaN
174   NaN
183   NaN
185   NaN
187   NaN
189   NaN
191   NaN
194   NaN
201   NaN
210   NaN
233   NaN
240   NaN
251   NaN
276   NaN
311   NaN
320   NaN
325   NaN
Name: Vp, dtype: float64
Vp_nan_index = list(features2.Vp[features2.Vp.isna()].index)
[0, 15, 36, 77, 79, 111, 118, 159, 174, 183, 185, 187, 189, 191, 194, 201, 210, 233, 240, 251, 276, 311, 320, 325]

Original Vp without anomalies

count     305.000000
mean     5496.386885
std       556.077848
min      3009.000000
25%      5220.000000
50%      5581.000000
75%      5858.000000
max      6478.000000
Name: Vp, dtype: float64

Imputed Vp

count      24.000000
mean     5560.948607
std       225.846356
min      5210.315493
25%      5369.531486
50%      5605.088801
75%      5779.916352
max      5854.418200
Name: Vp, dtype: float64

% of increase of the mean of the imputed Vp compared with the real Vp

vp_change_den = 100 * (features3.Vp.iloc[Vp_nan_index].mean() - features2.Vp.mean()) / features2.Vp.mean()
print('Increase of the mean:', '{:.1f} %'.format(vp_change_den))
Increase of the mean: 1.2 %

nii Vp for comparison

nii_vp = features3.Vp.iloc[Vp_nan_index]
0     5725.879959
15    5604.870331
36    5558.402401
77    5374.912754
79    5210.315493
Name: Vp, dtype: float64

Estimating Vp

The calculation of a single variable such as Vp (again, just this variable due to its importance, for simplicity and speed) allows us to try and evaluate different methods for filling the gaps, from empirical formulas to the simplest Machine Learning (ML) algorithms.

Vp by Gardner

The Gardner’s formula is a well-known empirical formula that allows us to transform the density (Den) into compressional velocity (Vp):

\[Vp = \alpha * \phi ^ {\beta}\]


\(\phi\) is the density and the standard coefficients (reference: are:

\[\alpha \approx 4348\]
\[\beta = 0.25\]

Contrary to the expected increasing trend between Den and Vp, the plot below shows an anomalous vertical trend, where multiple Vp values are associated with a single Den value (around 2.7). This anomalous trend results in a negative R² (-0.021, the worst so far) when Vp is calculated using all values, and this score improves slightly when we filter out the pairs that fall outside the expected increasing trend. This is confirmed by the low covariance presented by the Den-Vp pair in the covariance matrix of this section (low correlation coefficient in the previous notebook 1/3). %% Plot of Den vs. Vp

plt.scatter(features2.Den, features2.Vp, alpha=0.65, edgecolors='k')
plt.xlabel('Den (g/cm$^3$)')
plt.ylabel('Vp (m/s)')
plt.title('Data Without Anomalies')
Data Without Anomalies
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Data Without Anomalies')
From Len Den Vp Vs Mag Ip Res
0 265.77 11.2 2.610 NaN NaN 0.108 NaN NaN
1 271.66 11.8 NaN 5514.0 2222.0 0.108 26.06 4600.0
2 277.05 10.3 3.399 5754.0 2085.0 0.237 17.52 10200.0
3 282.55 11.2 NaN 5773.0 2011.0 0.151 28.13 5800.0
4 287.20 10.8 3.293 6034.0 2122.0 0.176 6.88 15500.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
324 814.55 9.6 2.763 5680.0 3179.0 0.158 70.94 481.1
325 819.92 NaN 2.649 NaN NaN 0.024 NaN NaN
326 825.60 9.9 2.762 5593.0 1787.0 0.337 78.44 334.6
327 828.80 9.9 2.804 5858.0 1964.0 0.311 73.73 466.5
328 833.40 10.1 2.735 5805.0 3217.0 0.308 33.86 2300.0

329 rows × 8 columns

Covariance of the features2

vari_mat = features2.select_dtypes(include=['number']).cov()
From Len Den Vp Vs Mag Ip Res
From 69097.677012 -16.222055 -7.748490 -53382.663546 -40566.665284 7.019153 2766.653801 -5.105614e+05
Len -16.222055 1.145171 0.052440 -49.309151 -165.827338 -0.010128 -0.338487 -2.218782e+02
Den -7.748490 0.052440 0.021088 2.888883 -12.299676 -0.000414 -0.243046 5.485842e+01
Vp -53382.663546 -49.309151 2.888883 309222.573512 93428.327238 0.964435 -3777.361458 9.111955e+05
Vs -40566.665284 -165.827338 -12.299676 93428.327238 299730.099574 -2.230359 -1474.676736 5.989462e+05
Mag 7.019153 -0.010128 -0.000414 0.964435 -2.230359 0.010142 0.674282 -1.611072e+01
Ip 2766.653801 -0.338487 -0.243046 -3777.361458 -1474.676736 0.674282 632.281488 -6.145102e+04
Res -510561.399578 -221.878244 54.858423 911195.549174 598946.207455 -16.110723 -61451.019939 1.380012e+07

From Len Den Vp Vs Mag Ip Res
count 8.000000 8.000000 8.000000 8.000000 8.000000 8.000000 8.000000 8.000000e+00
mean -66582.918624 -56.548474 4.691151 157080.121136 118735.366859 -1.210452 -7913.003762 1.842258e+06
std 183023.873982 87.703069 20.884445 325158.301042 222378.924444 6.584200 21711.748328 4.851295e+06
min -510561.399578 -221.878244 -12.299676 -53382.663546 -40566.665284 -16.110723 -61451.019939 -5.105614e+05
25% -43770.664850 -78.438698 -2.119407 -981.322228 -493.039688 -0.565186 -2050.347917 -1.552916e+04
50% -11.985273 -8.280271 0.010337 1.926659 -7.265017 0.004864 -0.290766 1.937385e+01
75% 696.927815 0.005514 0.761551 147376.888806 145003.770322 0.746820 158.576084 6.770085e+05
max 69097.677012 1.145171 54.858423 911195.549174 598946.207455 7.019153 2766.653801 1.380012e+07

Covariance matrix

sns.heatmap(vari_mat, vmin=-500, vmax=500, center=0, linewidths=.1, cmap='seismic_r', annot=True)
plt.title('Covariance Matrix')
Covariance Matrix

Gardner Vp in features2, with the standard alpha of 4348

features2['VpG'] = 4348 * (features2.Den) ** 0.25
0      5526.493483
1              NaN
2      5903.741408
3              NaN
4      5857.165129
324    5605.763308
325    5547.023745
326    5605.256023
327    5626.444480
328    5591.506938
Name: VpG, Length: 329, dtype: float64

Drop NaNs for metrics calculation

features2_nonan = features2.dropna()
Hole From Len Den Vp Vs Mag Ip Res Form VpG
2 TC-1319-005 277.05 10.3 3.399 5754.0 2085.0 0.237 17.52 10200.0 CALP 5903.741408
4 TC-1319-005 287.20 10.8 3.293 6034.0 2122.0 0.176 6.88 15500.0 CALP 5857.165129
5 TC-1319-005 296.75 10.3 2.782 4661.0 2294.0 0.107 27.81 2100.0 CALP 5615.375681
8 TC-1319-005 318.75 10.7 3.386 5815.0 2115.0 0.060 8.53 10700.0 CALP 5898.088351
9 TC-1319-005 325.75 10.0 2.616 4785.0 1946.0 0.040 84.90 296.1 CALP 5529.666895

Metrics of the Gardner calculation with all values

vpg_metrics = basic_stat.metrics(features2_nonan.Vp, features2_nonan.VpG)

print("Metrics for Gardner:\n")
Metrics for Gardner:

{'Sum of Residuals': np.float64(-10723.609649536735), 'MAE': np.float64(365.5125465596317), 'MSE': np.float64(254469.14816210992), 'RMSE': np.float64(504.44935143392735), 'R2': -0.021743605762918117}

Metrics of the Gardner calculation with filtered values

vpg_metrics2 = basic_stat.metrics(
    features2_nonan.Vp[(features2_nonan.Vp > 4000) & (features2_nonan.Vp < 6000)],
    features2_nonan.VpG[(features2_nonan.Vp > 4000) & (features2_nonan.Vp < 6000)]

print("Metrics for Gardner with Filtered Data Vp):\n")
Metrics for Gardner with Filtered Data Vp):

{'Sum of Residuals': np.float64(-25589.572721078162), 'MAE': np.float64(295.9254751013969), 'MSE': np.float64(162331.10374522334), 'RMSE': np.float64(402.9033429313082), 'R2': -0.0937786027043972}

Gardner Vp for comparison

gard_vp = features2.VpG.iloc[Vp_nan_index]
0     5526.493483
15    5520.661324
36    5633.454391
77    5586.388848
79    5691.523695
Name: VpG, dtype: float64

Simpliest ML models for Vp

Machine Learning (ML) algorithms offer a wide range of options to calculate missing values of a single variable. From the simplest and most well-known, such as linear regression with an independent variable, to the most complex. Below we use the simplest ML algorithms and their respective metrics, applied again to predict Vp and fill its gaps. But first, we split the non-NaN portion of the filtered data (features2) for training and testing.

From Den Vp Vs Mag Ip Res
2 277.05 3.399 5754.0 2085.0 0.237 17.52 10200.0
4 287.20 3.293 6034.0 2122.0 0.176 6.88 15500.0
5 296.75 2.782 4661.0 2294.0 0.107 27.81 2100.0
8 318.75 3.386 5815.0 2115.0 0.060 8.53 10700.0
9 325.75 2.616 4785.0 1946.0 0.040 84.90 296.1

Target from filtered features2

# The target or objective of the model is the Vp
target = features2_num_nonan.Vp[(features2_num_nonan.Vp > 4000) & (features2_num_nonan.Vp < 6000)]

2     5754.0
5     4661.0
8     5815.0
9     4785.0
10    5707.0
Name: Vp, dtype: float64

Filtered density is the independent feature to compute Vp, the target

features2_den = features2_num_nonan.Den[(features2_num_nonan.Vp > 4000) & (features2_num_nonan.Vp < 6000)]
2     3.399
5     2.782
8     3.386
9     2.616
10    2.821
Name: Den, dtype: float64

Split and shape of data for training and testing

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(features2_den, target, test_size=0.2, random_state=seed)

X_train = np.array(X_train).reshape(-1, 1)
X_test = np.array(X_test).reshape(-1, 1)
y_train = np.array(y_train).reshape(-1, 1)
y_test = np.array(y_test).reshape(-1, 1)

print('X_train shape:', X_train.shape)
print('y_train shape:', y_train.shape)

print('X_test shape:', X_test.shape)
print('y_test shape:', y_test.shape)
X_train shape: (180, 1)
y_train shape: (180, 1)
X_test shape: (45, 1)
y_test shape: (45, 1)

Simple Linear Regression

The linear regression is perhaps one of the simplest ML algorithms, it allows us to define a simple formula to compute Vp from Den, the only feature. The regression using all the data gave a negative $R^2$ (the predictions are worse than if it had simply predicted the mean), while applying a filter in the input data(4000 < Vp < 6000) resulted in a positive $R^2$, although a very small one (0.003).

Linear Regression

# Model training and prediction
lr_model = LinearRegression().fit(X_train, y_train)
lr_predict = lr_model.predict(np.array(X_test))

# Coheficients
coef = lr_model.coef_.item()
inter = lr_model.intercept_.item()

Metric of the linear regression with filtered data

lr_metrics = basic_stat.metrics(y_test, lr_predict)

print("Metrics for Linear Regressor:\n")
Metrics for Linear Regressor:

{'Sum of Residuals': np.float64(-663.6657176180624), 'MAE': np.float64(321.4070681962207), 'MSE': np.float64(152576.8824032091), 'RMSE': np.float64(390.61090922196365), 'R2': 0.002886141920427243}

Plot of filtered data and regression

plt.scatter(X_test, y_test, label='Real data', alpha=0.65, edgecolors='k')
plt.plot(X_test, lr_predict, c='r', label='Prediction')
plt.title(f"Vp = {coef:.1f} * den + {inter:.1f}")
plt.suptitle('Linear Regression')
plt.xlabel('Density (g/cm$^3$)')
plt.ylabel('Vp (m/s)')
Linear Regression, Vp = 175.7 * den + 4996.3
<matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x7f3199fc2ce0>

lr Vp for comparison

#  Density of the Vp calculations
den_feature = np.array(features2.Den.iloc[Vp_nan_index]).reshape(-1, 1)

lr_vp = lr_model.predict(den_feature)

Non Linear Fit

Although the non_linear fit is more powerful since it can fit the alpha and beta coefficients of a non-linear curve of density to Vp, the $R^2$ metric (0.004) does not differ much from the linear regression with the filtered data.

Reshaping the filtered data

X_train = np.array(X_train).flatten()
y_train = np.array(y_train).flatten()

print('X_train shape:', X_train.shape)
print('y_train shape:', y_train.shape)
X_train shape: (180,)
y_train shape: (180,)

Gardner function for double fitting, for alpha and beta

def gardner_model(X_train, alpha, beta):
    return alpha * X_train ** beta

Model fit

popt, pcov = curve_fit(gardner_model, X_train, y_train, p0=[0, 0])  # p0 is the initial estimation of alpha y beta

Coheficients and prediction

alpha, beta = popt

print('Alpha:', alpha)
print('Beta:', beta)

nlf_predict = gardner_model(X_test, alpha, beta)
Alpha: 4944.85723377095
Beta: 0.1017276747649569

Metric of the non linear fit with filtered data

nlf_metrics = basic_stat.metrics(y_test, nlf_predict)

print("Metrics for Non Linear Fit:\n")
Metrics for Non Linear Fit:

{'Sum of Residuals': np.float64(-672.1847517458073), 'MAE': np.float64(321.430456631444), 'MSE': np.float64(152446.9582936085), 'RMSE': np.float64(390.4445649431024), 'R2': 0.003735216355170601}

Plot of filtered data and NLF equation

plt.scatter(X_test, y_test, label='Real data')
plt.plot(X_test, nlf_predict, c='r', label='Prediction')
plt.title(f"Vp = {alpha:.2f} * den ** {beta:.2f}")
plt.xlabel("Density (g/cm3)")
plt.suptitle('Non Linear Fit')
plt.ylabel("Vp (m/s)")
Non Linear Fit, Vp = 4944.86 * den ** 0.10

nlf Vp for comparison

nlf_vp = gardner_model(den_feature, alpha, beta)
       [5475.7369865 ],

Vps Comparison

The real Vp values allow us to evaluate the quality of different procedures that estimate Vp, such as different imputation algorithms, the Gardner empirical formula, and the simpliest ML regression model.

Datos y títulos a utilizar en el bucle

plt.figure(figsize=(9, 15))

# Histograms
plt.subplot(7, 1, 1)
plt.hist(features2.Vp, bins=20, zorder=3)
plt.xlim(2500, 7000)
plt.title('Real Vp')

plt.subplot(7, 1, 2)
box = plt.boxplot(features2.Vp.dropna(), vert=False, showmeans=True, meanline=True, patch_artist=False)
mean_line = box['means'][0]  # Obtener la línea de la media
median_line = box['medians'][0]  # Obtener la línea de la mediana
plt.legend([mean_line, median_line], ['Mean', 'Median'], loc='upper left')
plt.xlim(2500, 7000)
plt.title('Real Vp')

plt.subplot(7, 1, 3)
plt.hist(gard_vp, label='Gardner Vp', zorder=4)
plt.hist(nii_vp, label='NII Imputer Vp', zorder=7)
plt.hist(lr_vp, label='LR Vp', zorder=9)
plt.hist(nlf_vp, label='NLF Vp', zorder=10)
plt.xlim(2500, 7000)
plt.title('Estimated Vps')

# Boxplots
data_list = [gard_vp, nii_vp, lr_vp, nlf_vp]
titles = ['Gardner Vp', 'NII Inputer Vp', 'LR Vp', 'NLF Vp']
means = [np.mean(features2.Vp.dropna()), np.mean(gard_vp), np.mean(nii_vp), np.mean(lr_vp), np.mean(nlf_vp)]

for i in range(len(data_list)):
    plt.subplot(7, 1, i + 4)
    plt.boxplot(data_list[i], vert=False, showmeans=True, meanline=True)
    vp_change = 100 * (data_list[i].mean() - features2.Vp.mean()) / features2.Vp.mean()
    plt.text(means[i] - 500, 1.25, 'Mean: {:.0f}, % change: {:.1f}'.format(means[i], vp_change))
    plt.xlim(2500, 7000)

Real Vp, Real Vp, Estimated Vps, Gardner Vp, NII Inputer Vp, LR Vp, NLF Vp


Here are some observations related to the tasks covered in this notebook:

  • Anomalies represent 0.5% (18) of the data, and after removing them we reach a total of 4.3% of NaN (142).

  • The metrics favor the nii imputer. However, the knn, ii, and nknn imputer provided similar results. In the end, the dataset without anomalies (features2) was filled with the nii imputer (features3) because it was the best option.

  • In addition to the correlation matrix (described in the previous notebook 1/3), it is important to explore the covariance matrix because it provides valuable information regarding the scale-dependent relationships between variables, reflecting how changes in one variable are associated with changes in another in terms of their actual units.

  • The poor correlation (low covariance) between Den and Vp was not realized until Gardner’s Vp was calculated. This gave negative \(R^2\), even after filtering part of the data outside the increasing trend.

  • Filtering the Den and Vp values outside the increasing trend allows us to obtain positive but very small \(R^2\) for the LR and the NLF ML algorithms.

Next Step

The next and last notebook (3/3), after the imputation, is going to focus on the prediction of an entire variable (GR), missing in one of the available boreholes.


Gardner’s Equation

Annex - Regression Metrics

These metrics help you understand different aspects of prediction accuracy and are critical for evaluating and comparing regression models. The main metrics are:

The Sum of Residuals is the sum of errors between the predicted and the actual values. Ideally, it should add up to 0.

\[\text{Sum of Residuals} = \sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i - \hat{y}_i)\]


  • \(y_i\) is the real value.

  • \(\hat{y}_i\) is the predicted value.

The MAE measures the average of the absolute errors between the predicted and the actual values. It is an intuitive and easy-to-interpret metric.

\[\text{MAE} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} |y_i - \hat{y}_i|\]


  • \(n\) is the number of observations.

The MSE measures the average of the squared errors between the predicted values and the actual values. It penalizes large errors more than the MAE.

\[\text{MSE} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2\]

The RMSE is the square root of the MSE. It is expressed in the same units as the output variable, which makes it more interpretable.

\[\text{RMSE} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2} = \sqrt{\text{MSE}}\]

The \(R^2\) measures the proportion of the variance of the dependent or predicted variable against the independent variables. Normally it ranges from 0 (not fit at all) to 1 (perfect fit). A rare negative value indicates the prediction model is worse than a prediction with the mean.

\[R^2 = 1 - \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2}{\sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i - \bar{y})^2}\]


  • \(\bar{y}\) is the mean of the real values \(y_i\).

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